Monday, March 12, 2007

Call and schedule

Emailed the early draft of the call for entries to Christen this morning, along with a partial schedule of open studios/MFA shows, and cc'd Desiree and Carol. Didn't have McLean's email...

Friday, March 9, 2007

GLAMFA Updates

Hi All,

Here are a few new things: GLAMFA will open on Sunday Sept. 9 and close on Thurs. Sept. 20. Carol and McLean will head and coordinate the open studio schedule. Desiree will contact Jocelyn about updating the glamfa site. Andrew Byrom's class is working on possible glamfa logos and show have them to me by the end of March. Once I get some docs from James I will revise the "Call for Entries" form so we can send it out. James, do you have the most current email contact list? - If so, I will forward the revised CFE form to you so you can do the initial send-out.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Fridays again

Well, my schedule has exploded. All my Fridays have closed up for March (except, maybe, perhaps, March 30th)...